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Change Is Coming!
This was the theme of the evangelistic campaign held at Holloway church, from 6 – 20 August, with speaker: Pastor Kirk Thomas and evangelistic singer: Anthony Whigham (from the USA).
Pastor Thomas captured the audience night after night with his infectious enthusiasm. He explored some very interesting topics such as: ‘The Day Mrs Grace Murdered Mr Law’ and ‘Who Changed It? History and the Bible Tells the Truth’. We were all impressed at how he delivered the Word of God in such a dynamic way, that even a little child could understand.
Anthony Whigham truly blessed our hearts throughout the campaign as he ministered in song. He also shared a testimony of how the Lord allowed him to be put in prison so that He could use him to witness and lead others to Christ.
On the afternoon of the 20 August the campaign climaxed with a baptismal service, which saw thirteen individuals commit their lives to Christ. The baptismal individuals represented every spectrum of the church and local community, in terms of age, gender and participation in church activities and events. The youngest of the group for example are active members of the Pathfinder Club; others had children who attended the Adventurer Club; who knows what integral part the influence of their children and Counselors had on their decision that day.
Holloway Church was full to capacity and each of the candidates were surrounded by friends and family who had seen them through the good and the bad times to reach this point where they had decided to follow Jesus. Rarely do we have the opportunity to baptize couples, however on this occasion, Holloway was blessed to baptize a couple who have been worshipping with us for many years and whose daughter through the initiative of her parents, is a committed member of the Adventurer club. The Pastoral team made it very clear on the night that this was only the first of two installed baptisms; a further session is to be held very soon.
It is hoped that they too will be greeted with much excitement as they join the numbers who are currently being nurtured by our church members as they begin their walk with God. There was great rejoicing in Heaven and at Holloway as they were welcomed to the church family. The newly baptised were presented with a pack of books to nurture their spiritual development.