..I’m not a leaflet person. Mind you, I think leaflets can serve a valuable purpose, especially to disseminate medical information and conditions. But can anyone take seriously a leaflet that purports to offer “Quick Answers to Life’s Big Questions” or that claims to tell you “What Happens When You Die” or how to “Find Purpose in Your Life”? A leaflet? Really? I know the people who give out leaflets don’t intend to be callouts, but a leaflet, to me, is another way of saying, “Sorry about your problem. Here’s 20 pence. Call Oprah.”…Who cares about facts when you’re suffering? Who cares about THE TRUTH when what you want is solidarity, the touch of a human hand, a hug, a kind word, a hot cup of tea, or maybe a laugh or two. And some of us need so much more. Maybe the real question we should ask ourselves is not so much “What would Jesus do?” but “What would Jesus have me do?” The passage above is taken from Keeping It Real In the Real World by Becky De Oliveira. We as Christians have a challenge in trying to meet with the community and tell them about the love of God as many have this sort of idea. How else are we meant to reach the community? Actions are louder than words! Let’s all remember this. Let us get to know the individual, even if it is the same lady we see on the train everyday, the receptionist at work or the postman. Let’s show some act of kindness so that people can see that there is something different about us.

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